August 29, 2023 2023-08-29 8:42Hope
What can we do during situations like the one we are living in?
Situations of uncertainty make us feel fear, something normal, but we cannot allow those thoughts about a FUTURE, which is not present, to rob us of sleep and the enjoyment of the present, we cannot live thinking about the future, as we cannot live thinking about the past, we only have one TASK to live the PRESENT, but without stopping to dream, never to lose the essence of who we are, we cannot forget to LAUGH, where we feel that we do not have sufficient energy level to keep on moving, it is important to think and to call us to a reflection to the following:
The river, despite all the adversities of its route, he does not stop emanating forces to continue his journey, the adversity cannot stop himself to continue his course, so the river keeps on running. So we are going to do the same.
I leave you with these questions:
- What have I learned during the current situation?
- What can I do to stay active?
- What can I do to help my family, friends, and acquaintances?
During the quarantine, there are several things we can do, apart from following hygiene measures – we can, for example, visit the closet/wardrobe to take a look at it, when your gaze stops on a dress, pants, take off T-shirt, dress up, put on make-up, get a beautiful hairstyle, perfume, play one of your best songs, one of those that transport you to a wonderful vacation with someone special, go out on the balcony, or from the window applaud the medical personnel who are in the trench fighting day in and day out. Once this small, but beautiful and big task is done, you are giving the health professional a gift, they will be very grateful that everyone is taking care of himself/herself and soon we all are going to be to enjoying again spring and summer.
I can only invite all of you to do this exercise. I can guarantee that everyone will feel better.
I leave you with these thoughts and hope to be hearing from you soon
Dott. Danilo Dominguez